
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Album is great, bonus content is not

    By Stairway To Evan 92
    What is it with these remasters? They try to sell them as expanded albums, but the bonus content is usually demos or rough mixes of songs on the original album. Nobody really wants that. Sometimes, you find one that actually has live bonus tracks that have never been released before, like what STP did with the "Core 25th Anneversary" release, and that will at least peak some people's interest, like myself.
  • selling

    By SUFI
    How many times should we buy these songs?
  • SASHA DEE...

    By MR.E2ME
    I AGREE!
  • One of the strange

    By Sasha Dee 1987
    My all time favorite Doors album with my favorite song “people are strange”. I’m thrilled that they remastered it and will release it for the 50th anniversary.