Superb Dance Hits
By S. The Skeptic
Do most of these songs seem familiar to you? That's because most of them make their appearances in 'In the Groove' a DDR-like dancing game that leaves much to be desired. And what's even better, the songs you like to dance to are in this incredibly cheap price. All of them are worth listening, and also, worth dancing to. Very worth your while.
Ummm... Hellz yeah?
By KittyBoi91
this is the best
By toastie_bacon
this CD is pretty good on its own. to say the truth, i've never played ITG in my life since there's no ITG machines around where i live. and on top of that, the closest arcade to me is like, 45 munites away, but its only a small one in a mall and doesn't have ITG in it. i wanna start it up though and get good at it. i do play DDR though.
they SELL these songs?!?!?!? woo!
By Nüb
I never thought they were on any actual albums, like the DDR songs...
ITG awesome
DDR also awesome
all songs:
In The Groove 2
By Krazy Kev
Wow i love all these songs. . . i play ITG2 alot and these songs are my favorite to play on expert. thanks iTunes for making these available
Amazing electronic music
By Oren11
Kyle Ward is extremely talented; the songs in this album are superb and make a great listen many times. Highly recommended. "Destiny" and the other Smiley songs really do cheer you up (Listen to Xuxa!) and Inspector K provides some awesome tracks as well (Clockwork Genesis is my personal favorite). This album is awesome, and the songs are fun to dance to as well (In The Groove, a dance simulation game, has some of the songs featured here).
StepMania Music
By FreemanC17
I've downloaded some of these songs for StepMania like Supremacy, Exotica, and Who. And i have to say i absolutely love this music. I highly recommend these to anybody who likes Dance music simmilar to that of DDR