Sets Go UP!
By goblu
sweet music, love it
Great Album!
By ♪♫♪♫♪
Out of 20 songs, 11 songs (tracks 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, & 20) are great and the other 10 are ok. Track 20 can only be purchased if you buy the whole album. If you really like all the songs, go for it.
Its aight
By wehibzewde
pretty good album,but 400 degreez was his best album ever!!!!!!!ever since none of his album he havent been as strong.this is probably the closest tho.The best songs are "sets go up","animal","get ya hustle on",pop u",and of course "rodeo"
By LiL sHaDy J
I would give it a 2.5 stars outta 5, but I'll round up.....this is a typicaly rap album, which I enjoy but dont love. Best tracks are 1.Rodeo 2. Get Ya Hustle On 3. Say It 2 Me Now 4> What's Happenin' 5. WHo's Ya Daddy
iTunes needs Hips DOnt lie!!!
Juvenile, yes I agree with that...
By Imus
Nuff said...
Very good hip hop
By drprince89
I dont give out 5's too easily, this album gets a 4 from me because its good but definately not 5 material. Rodeo and Get Ya Hustle on ar eprobably the best 2 tracks on the cd.
Sets go up and loose booty are nice and have a pretty good upbeat i like those two beats alot. Mike Jones also does his thing on the way i be leaning i think it samples from dirt off your shoulder some. I could stand to listen through this whole album without skipping a track wihich is more than i can say for most of the other hip hop albums. This should definately be in your collection if youre a hip hop fan but its not ground shattering.
By L88
I think Juvenile just took the #1 spot with this album the best song is Get Yout Hustle On, then Rodeo and Way I be Lenin'.
By kevjr40
There is no reason why Juve shouldn't go platinum on this one. He came back hard and especially after everything he has been going through. Big ups to Juve on this one, there is not one track I don't like. He got all my rides banin!!!
He came on point
By Mc jb
This has to be one of the best CD's of the young 2006'. The beats alone are on point just in time for the spring melt down. For example if you liked the song Rodeo then your in for a suprise because that may not even be the best song of the 20 tracts on the CD. Don't buy a song GET THE WHOLE CD!
Surprised I'm even given this 2 stars
By Musical Aura
Juvenille used to be decent when he was on tha Hot Boys but it looks like about all the members improved cept Juve. Don't get me wrong Juve is pretty decent but he just doesn't have flow or nuthin to his songs. His songs just feel really empty. Rodeo was the only pretty decent song. Best song (and not a lot of good songs on here) i would roughly say Rock Like that cuz of Bun B. Juve is lucky he got all these other rappers in his songs on this album or he might sound worse than he does right now. If your lookin for real rap check out anything from Weezy (Lil Wayne). Just to clear this up, Juve is no where near where Weezy is on flow or anything else for that matter. But who can blame him, Weezy iz king of the south and soon to be a legend like Biggie and Pac in the rap game.
Oh yeah tell me if its just me but...
Kanye West= next Notorious B.I.G
Lil Wayne: next Tupac Shakur