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Title Artist Time


  • Love it! Don't hesitate, buy it!

    By jellybeanfuzzy2514
    I am a huge United Pursuit fan so when i saw they posted about Michael's new album I decided to give it a try. I had never heard of him before but needless to say, I am now a huge Michael Ketterer fan! The whole album is insightful and Christ centered. I've been listening to this on repeat for weeks! I liked it so much i purchased his other album The Wild Inside. (Which is great too!) He is an amazingly creative and talented artist. Hope I get to hear him live one day! :)
  • At last

    By bravesman007
    My fiancรฉ and I were just talking the other day - "Man, I wish Michael Ketterer would come out with something new!" I was so excited when I saw this on iTunes yesterday. And I must say, he did not disappoint. This EP is absolutely incredible. I love his past stuff, but I'm not sure anything has suited his voice and style as well as these 5 songs. He's definitely at the top of his game. Can't wait to hear more!
  • This sound is needed for the soul!

    By servewilson
    Can't say enough about his music, after we lost our daughter God really used his music to uplift my soul. Lyrics are raw and real, there's life in all of it!
  • His best yet!

    By Jared Andrews
    Michael is not only a profound worship leader, but his vocal artistry is one of a kind. I love his departure into a new, fresh sound that displays his soul/rnb influences. I've had this EP on repeat all day and will for weeks to come. Thank you Michael for your authenticity and constant dedication to your unique creativity.
  • Bringing Sexy Back

    By United Pursuit Fan
    Sexy, Fun & Free ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฟ (Ivey)๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿšฌ
  • Incredible album!

    By Riveralife
    Michael Ketterer never fails to deliver incredible music filled with depth, beautiful lyrics, and some SOUL! Buy it. Buy it now.