Beautiful Trauma - P!nk

Beautiful Trauma


  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2017-10-13
  • Explicitness: cleaned
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 13

  • ℗ 2017 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment


Title Artist Time
Beautiful Trauma P!nk 4:10
Revenge (feat. Eminem) P!nk 3:46
Whatever You Want P!nk 4:02
What About Us P!nk 4:29
But We Lost It P!nk 3:27
Barbies P!nk 3:43
Where We Go P!nk 4:27
For Now P!nk 3:36
Secrets P!nk 3:30
Better Life P!nk 3:20
I Am Here P!nk 4:06
Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken P!nk 3:21
You Get My Love P!nk 5:11


  • I hate p!nks hairstyle

    By fgtvfan1999
  • Love it

    By sophieworm😛😇
    This is my favorite song playlist EVER
  • 👍👍👍👍

    By Agms2006
    🔥🔥🔥🔥LOVE IT!!🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • So underrated!!!

    By Melanie Kershaw
    This is P!nk at her best! Beautiful Trauma is just that—beautiful and heartfelt vocals and lyrics tackling on traumatic experiences and making the most of them while moving on and recovering. My favorite song on the track is “Where We Go”—great lyrics and the chorus...vocal perfection! The following is a list of the songs in the order that I prefer them. But let me make clear—I love ALL the songs, something that is rare for an album these days. Also, some songs are tied for a place. 1. Where We Go: excellent. I cannot get enough of the chorus. This song is about recognizing that you are in a failing relationship (the first verse: “Got a hole in my head and my heart tonight; Well you shot me down you just ain’t right; comes a time when you know you must let go; I know I know; we fixed it but it’s broken”) and moving on. It concludes with “I don’t know we don’t know; take me home.” 2a. But We Lost It: wonderfully sung song that carries a similar theme to the previous one on my list, though sounds unique and relatable in its melancholy, yet eventual resolution. Here’s a verse: “I’m still the girl that you chased all around the world; I haven’t changed, I’ve just replaced all the chains with pearls; I want the same things we did back then; I know we had it but we lost it.” And then: “ Oh the bone breaks it grows back stronger; the bone breaks...”. Great lyrics and vocals. 2b. What About Us. Great song that could be viewed as both a political protest song or even about relationships. Part of a verse: “We were willing, we came when you called; But many fooled us, enough is enough.” Awesome vocals. 3a. For Now. The vocals are AMAZING in this one. This song can really only be rightly described by its lyrics: “Remember that time we were just kickin’; But nothing had changed, nothing was really different; Then love showed its teeth like it was something vicious; no no no let me finish.” And then: “Freeze frame rewind stop; And get back to the old familiar thoughts; Can we just freeze frame rewind stop; And get back to the feelings we think we lost; For now.” 3b. Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken. Inspiring anthem with excellent lyrics and vocals. [Wow, running out of compliments here. :)] Here’s the chorus: “There’s not enough rope to tie me down; There’s not enough tape to shut this mouth; The stones you throw can make me bleed; But I won’t stop until we’re free; Wild hearts can’t be broken; No wild hearts can’t be broken.” 4a: Secrets: LOVE IT! Kind of sad that I put it this far down in the list. This song has a sort of mysterious, devious, pop/hip hop vibe. This about, as the name says, secrets and deciding “what do we conceal; what do we reveal” in both a relationship and in everyday life. “I like to make believe with you; Da da da da do do do; That we always speak the truth...ish.” 4b: I Am Here. Another great one. “I am here; I am here; I’ve already seen the bottom so there’s nothing to fear; know that I’ll be ready when the devil is near.” But what really makes this song is the choir that comes in after each chorus; it’s pretty rare that this is in a pop song, but it’s a great addition; when P!nk sings with the it. 4c. Barbies. This song is probably not what you thought it was going to be. It’s actually about remembering the bliss of your childhood and wishing you could go back. “I wish I could go back to playing Barbies in my room; They never say that you gotta grow up quite this soon; How fast things change; And now I’m here and all I wanna do; is go back to playing Barbies in my room.” Love the acoustic. 5a. Beautiful Trauma. The song that the album is named after is catchy and passionate yet at times angry, while having a pop flare. The chorus: “The pill I keep taking; The nightmare I wake in; There’s nothing, no nothing, nothing but you; My perfect rock bottom; My beautiful trauma...” 5b. You Get My Love. P!nk’s vocal talent shines through in this song. She is really belting it out in this number. This one is about being afraid to be honest with your partner, but saying that no matter what “you get my love; don’t let my mistakes take that away from us.” It starts with “While you were sleeping; I decided to lay it out; Every bad reason; All of my pointless doubts.” And the last verse: “The light comes in; The dawn is rising down; You opened up your eyes; Once again I have to risk it all; the time is now.” 5c. Whatever You Want. This song has really grown on me and will surely rise on this list. It’s one of the more hip hop-y numbers though it is melodic at the same time. Here’s the last verse: “Whoever said the love was sweet; drank a little too much whiskey, baby; Whoever said that life was easy; never lived anywhere near me; I wouldn’t change a thing; ‘Cause you’re the one I wanna sink with.” 6a. Better Life. I’m sad that this one is at the bottom because it really is a good song. “But I stay up late night; screaming at the street lights; All the cigarette smoke; filling up these hopeless lungs; Oh and my head’s like; what happened to it’s alright; baby it’s not alright; I feel like a closing window.” And the chorus: “But I can’t shake the feeling; that you picture a better life; better wife, better nights, better high; I can’t shake the feeling; Do you picture a better life?” 6b. Revenge. This one is mostly rap, which, to be frank, I hate. But (there’s always a ‘but’) I actually enjoy listening to this song and like P!nk’s rap (though not a fan of Eminem). The name says it all: Revenge. “I’m daydreaming; Let me count the ways that I’ll get you; or how I’ll make you pay; Babe I’m hurting and now you’ll feel the same; That’s my plan; That’s my plan; That’s my plan.” And that’s the tame part of the song... I would 100% recommend this album: it’s got excellent vocals; heartfelt lyrics; and, well, it’s P!nk, what’s not to love? Note: I purchased the physical CD from Walmart, not the digital album from iTunes, though I would recommend both versions.
  • Omg! I love her new single!! ‘What About Us’ She is awesome in it!

    By tnevala
    This is the best song! I heard of her! Can’t believe how much she has changed. Don’ t like her videos, but she proved to the world that she is the best! P!nk is great! Keep it up!! 👍👍👏🏻👏🏻 Rating the single 😍 Gave it 5. Album haven’t heard 🎶
  • Pink! Beautiful Trauma

    By Yahrite4
    This girl, brave woman, dauntless soul who calls herself Pink is STILL the best example of what true pop should be! Lyrics and Emotions of True Grit gut wrenching love songs and social pleas to society to get it together and stop the hating! Not syrupy cheesy sounds! She has even soared high in the air on trapeze ropes but award givers fail to recognize her! But us fans love her and thank her for her service to us hurting souls!!
  • Amazing

    By Kendram9
    Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken is amazing , Pink has stood the test of time. She continues to release albums with such heartfelt lyrics . 💕
  • I just love it

    By Lagasyl
    She’s so inspiring and amazing omg ❤️❤️
  • Good But...

    By xeldomx2
    The clean version needs better editing.
  • Yes

    By Noemy;)