By Asdfghjklradsticks
I honestly didn't think Lovely Little Lonely could get any better but these acoustic versions are proving me wrong. They are so beautiful and amazing. I'm so in love with them! This one is probably my favorite tho!
Schway ~
By jumptheguns
This acoustic version feels like I'm sitting around a campfire with them and they're playing multiple acoustic guitars + shakers to fill the air with good vibes (vibe up d00ds). By far, my favorite acoustic single.
By tabithaaakaye
Beautiful version of the song. It has me feeling all sorts of feelings.
Another solid tune!
By stephkidd0315
How is it possible that The Maine took one of my favorite songs from LLL and made it better? I'm in love with this!
Oh my gosh I love it ❤️❤️❤️
By Oneofthemwilldestroytheother
This is by far my favorite song from the album. This cover is amazing. ❤️❤️❤️