One of the two best albums of 2017
By Oh my oh my oh my
Along with J. Roddy Walston and the Business' "Destroyers of the Soft Life," this is the best album of 2017.
Their Best Work
By RinCal953
This one hits like no other National album thus far. They mix electronic sounds into their typical sound absolutely seamlessly, and these are some of their best songs so far. 10/10
incredibly boring
By Icdedpl
aimlessly boring music...
By wiffle ball legend
Whatever The National does turns to gold. One of the best bands the states have produced in the last twenty years.
I was at the Homecoming Festival
By Yyyyyuyuuiijh
That May seems off topic but if we don’t attach something unique and personal to our review what’s the point. Besides Grammy winning album SWB is what’s done best and right in music right now. Content and form all executed with thorough care to hit home hard good and what’s more endlessly because SWB replay value is unchallenged at this point. If you had to try a preview give The System ... Total Darkness the lead single treatment it deserves.
Almost Perfect!
By Mafuca
This is the best album from an established band that I have heard since The Joshua Tree....
Grammy Winer
By Tomin8or
This most recent release wonder a Grammy for Best Alternative album! Truly fantastic, and I love the use of piano throughout the album. Great work!
Great to OK
By pnunu
My love for The National will survive their brief moment of depression, but compared to the last two releases, there's some punch and depth missing. We all love Matt's vocals and story telling through the band, but there is not enough diversity of story or melody. Carin from the Liquor Store is the best exception.
Amazing Album
By GSTugg
It’s there best yet IMO. I love every song.
Very disappointed..
By mallai
Just passionless and reaching..It feels like they've peaked and looking for what the felt previously, and its not working..