
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Not ground breaking

    By Someone took my user name!
    Not bad but Atrophy sounds like they invited Rob Zombie to do the vocals.
  • Excited

    By AaronEchoes
    Say them with Tool and Primus. The sound guy screwed these guys, and were the crowd could tell the band was upset. Glad i listend to studio stuff when i got home.
  • Even better then the first 😱

    By Metal#0ne
    Every song is hard hitting, not a dull moment to be heard, this album is so good it gave me chills, 3teeth is instantly one of the best industrial bands out there!!!
  • Great sound!

    By Wizardbattle
    Sounds a lot like turn of the century rob zombie, rammstein, nin, powerman5k, but better than any one album from those bands.
  • 3TEETH delivers!

    By Josh B623
    Man, this album is crazy awesome! The first album was great, but 3TEETH delivers with
  • Great from beginning to end

    By Rawdawgski
    This has easily been my favorite industrial album to come out in a long time. If you're a fan of the genre you won't be disappointed.
  • Phenomenal!

    By sicnynstile
    These guys bring it! Industrial is here with a vengeance. This album is complex. I hear and feel something new when I listen to it. The lyrics are a lot clearer than their debut album. I'd buy it again!
  • Inform your fellow consumer. Buy today!

    Words that invoke in you the will to buy this. Buy today! Listen today! Dont waste time on thought. Buy today! Listen and all will be shown. Listen and all will be known. Buy today!
  • Another great release from 3TEETH!!!

    Well worth the wait and money. Been a fan of these guys for the past few years, way before the went on tour with Tool, Primus, and many others. I also love the fact that these guys are avid wrestling fans as well. An awesome evolution from the first album. This album is on constant replay on my stereo at home and in my car. You will not be disappointed when you check these guys out.
  • Download it now

    By Wentx
    Brilliant masterminds of industrial music. They don't sound like any other band, unique and creative. It's hard to find albums you like from start to finish. This is one of those albums.