By Totem Rob58
Just God Givin talent here , excellent
By Adoodlejumpaddictlol
Amazing. Fantastic. Breath stealing. Phenomenal.
Drivin' Says It All
By Stanchevy
A great blues-rock album that drives right to soul. Justin Johnson is one of the best guitarists!
Can't stop tapping my foot
By Corey Frankel
I don't think I've ever written a review but this guy plays the guitar so well you can't help but just groove to the music. Absolutely mind blowing amazing. Highly recommended for something a little different and not the crap they play on the radio all day everyday.
Headphones on, funky bootz on crankin' it up!
By dreaminion
Grinnin' in your face with my funky bootz on! Justin lays the boom boom down and turns the bootleg up! Just buy it and Crank it up! Way up! ~ JP
Justin - Boogie Face
By Peacocklaw
Don't stop - keep pushing - may seem obvious n silly - do a Ted Nugent song - take on Stranglehold - Boogie it up bro!
By Cotnballs2000
His raw sound is amazing. The unproduced sound is refreshing with all the other music out there today. Backwoods inspired insturments make this sound even more raw. Love it! He has got something here!