I like it but cool!!!!
By Sara the most beautiful girl
I admire little mix and they make music together I love these girls are like sisters I never have!!!!!
Yes yes yes yes
By Brittney!!😑
Omg I listen to this song so much on YouTube and I love it soooo much! I love little mix and this is just amazing❤
Recent fan
By katy124589cat
I just recently became a fan y'all are awesome their defiantly gonna rise in the us
Killing It
By Samaoip
by the time they leave the US all the people will always know little mix. Thats how good and popular this song is! Love you queens
a masterpiece
By Tami Med
just buy it
Best song!
By *Riisiitas*
Love love love this song! And the video was so lit! ❤ by far my favorite song from Little Mix! They need to get more credit here in the U.S.!
My weave has been snatched
By bree0073
I'm bald now
You used to be so good.
By Happy jump111
You're chasing being on the radio so much you've completely changed your sound. What happened? I genuinely love your old music but your recent ones are meaningless.
Conflicted but love it
By ALacedUpChick
I love machine gun Kelly I was a tad shook at this collab being that he's known in the hip-hop/rap but this song is everything
Better than the original
By dancer206
The inclusion of Machine Gun Kelly really adds to the song! I love it!!!