A Diamond In The Roth
By KorinaJam
I must salute the insight of several past iTunes reviewers who have posted their perspective on this DLR classic. They nailed it…this IS the missing link to early VH that millions of fans missed during the post Roth era output from the band.
What’s there to love? Well…The tongue in cheek humour, the clever lyrics, the incomparable, unique integration of atomic blues, memorable melody lines propelled effortlessly by the magic of guitar hero riffs and fretboard acrobatics…it’s ALL HERE. When it first released, this album went right into the cue with all my favorite DLR era VH albums. Heavy rotation. And rightfully so, this is a stone cold classic.
By Rockinroth
Love this album
The Real Review
By Acdcfan
Don't listen to any of these negative reviews. These songs are written in classic DLR style. They're not perfect and he's not the best singer in the world, but they're fun and have a good groove.
By fuzzskis
Jason Becker's mastery makes this album top notch. Jason is an inspiration to mankind !
Now is the Time to Buy This Album
By WC5565
A Lil' Ain't Enough failed to produce the platinum sales that Roth's first few releases did, and so it was largely ignored when it first came out. I listened to this for the first time 25+ years after its initial release. The right time to buy this album is now, though, because it's chock full of pure entertainment- amazing technical guitar wizardry, songs that act as ear candy, and of course, Diamond Dave. Ignore it's lack of popularity- that was a result of changing musical climates in 1991, and a missing radio focused single like "Just Like Paradise." The only downside to Enough is the album cover- this isn't an Iron Maiden album. But I still think the contained music is underrated. You can't go wrong with the title track, "Sensible Shoes," and "It's Showtime," for example. Overall grade- A-.
Jelly Sandwich
By elpaulerino
Sensible Shoes was the punchline for David Lee Roth's solo career, which started out with a bang when Yankee Rose hit the airwaves but subsequently fizzled out along with spandex and hairspray in the 1980's. If Van Halen was the peanut butter then Diamond Dave was the jelly, they were just another jar on the shelf without each other.
Best DLR Album By Far!
By Guitar Dude 7
Nothin' else to say!
A Little is Too Much
By Laustin DeWerld
The devil on the album cover isn't laughing, he's crying in agony. Crying over the terrible songs written; wailing over DLR's lost talent; sobbing that this sad collection of mediocre tunes ever saw the light of day. I bought this cd when it came out almost 25 years ago and begged the good people of my favorite record store to let me return it for a full refund. They didn't.
Unless you're a hardcore DLR follower, or a desperate VH fan, don't bother. Save your money for a remastered version of one of the BulletBoys albums or something.
Roth's Last Major Success
By TurboTurtleman
A Little Ain't Enough was Roth's last extremely popular album. While not as big of a hit as Eat 'Em and Smile or Skyscraper, Roth still shines on his fourth album. The title track, as well as It's Showtime! went on to become two great hits from this album, recreating the loose feel from the early Van Halen records. Hammerhead Shark, Lady Luck, 40 Below, and Baby's On Fire are all well-made songs that fit well on the album, while the rest is really hit or miss.
Can get full CD for 0.99c elsewhere online.
By RollinsFan
We were paying $2.99 for it in the late 90's. Don't be rediculous and pay $10 here.