
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    By Jdhebrbjsufbensjfbmatt
  • Crushing It!!

    By NPStollings
    Kid has been grinding so long! Amazing to finally see things come together. Congrats on all the success man!! We living Fancy we don't dap we just handshake ✔️
  • Kraft

    By Mosie111
    Rez continues to improve! Gonna be bumpin this for a while ☝️
  • Unique and real

    By Fudiddle
    Rez is the real deal, always been a fan. If you've never heard him. Now is the time!
  • Amazing

    By Aeosis
    Been a fan since around 2010-11 & this guy is the real deal. This is definitely one to buy!
  • Hmmm

    By jason181818
    I love the originality and I think this is better then dang Kodak black...... but I wish hi-Rez would slow down sometimes... idk it just feels to fake gangster to me.. I want more life, more honesty... I hear it but I don't feel it.. it feels a little mainstream... you so close hi-Rez... so close. I could hear what biggie & Tupac were saying.. Hi-Rez has great rhymes and The producing on this album is really well made. I just hope hi-Rez keeps going hard and brings out more original music. Take a page from Eminem.. F#%k it! Guess who's back... super man... just so many originals. And I know hi-Rez has that potential. Also please make a song with IV seconds! FYI: 3 FT tall is a great song... Should be on the charts.
  • 💯💯

    By TateEvanK
    Rez is my Go-To. Each bar is FACTS. 💯👌🏼
  • Amazing

    By Judiedudeeee
    Been through this whole process with Rez happy with the way it turned out amazing album!
  • Trash

    By Gusfrancsiny
    These have to be fake reviews. He can rap in the back of a car but not on an album. Stop!
  • Swag

    By Carwhorns
    Been listening on and off since '12 but definitely killed this album homie 😔