Remixes are a good idea
By juliatisme
Conceptually. But I think it would be cool if there was more than one genre of remix on this song rather than just dance. Like it would be really cool if there were also hip hop remixe, dupstep remixes, metal remixes, etc. I would buy this if there was more variety! I don't get why people don't like the variety. I think it's cool that artists are experimenting.
I like it!
By Cheetoman101
Frankly it doesn't have some of the best remixes but I got two songs from here that I really liked. So if you want more songs, then go to shinedowns actual albums. But this is cool!
Hey everybody do me a favor and shut up
By People don't hate on em
Please it's just a ep
Zero stars
By Christian Metalhead\m/
That would be more accurate.
Why just why
By Danj43
Still one of my favorite bands but what the hell are they thinking I get experimenting as a band is fine but a lot of people already didn't like the new album why would you release a goddamn dance remix not to mention multiple goddamn dance remixes