
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Got this on repeat!

    By sharp626
    This is real tight! Def buy this! Tribe on the move!
  • 👍🏻👍🏻👌🏻👌🏻

    By JacobPeters25
  • Amazing

    By Bob Marley 3000000
  • Heard of Dude From Rapzilla ChrisChicago:Day One!

    By Holy Hip Hopper
    I listened hearing about his interview with Chris on 'Suicide Nets' with Apple iPhone strict overseas factory letting no one talk to each other and their prisonlike apartments on factory site in which at least 7 employees have committed suicide; so Apple put a huge nets in front of the balconies to catch the employees trying to kill themselves due to Apple's strict beatings. And now Ithaca, NY 's Cornell University has Suicide Nets also?! Please , God, be the Suicide Net. I also purchased ' Morning ' , 'Siblings' , annnnd.... U.S. Marine Cpl TJ. ( I wish this was around at P. I. : had 4 suicides while I was there)
  • Absolutely Beautiful.

    By Kbray55
    This is so much more than music! Definitely had to get this project and add it to my nobigdyl collection. Love and support from Indiana! Tribe on the move!!
  • Not your average rap!

    By Prettyby7
    Christian aside this album raises the bar for hip-hop overall!
  • No way around it nobigdyl is the greatest rapper of all time

    By Will Winstead
  • Amazing talent. Absolute fire 🔥🔥🔥

    By kidnicole
    It's been a very long time since I've heard Christian rap that didn't sound like every other Christian rap song. The beats and flow of this album aren't the only thing that makes it amazing - the lyrics are mind blowing. I'm very thankful to have stumbled upon this album when looking at the recent releases.
  • Just listen.

    By Sasquatches
    Give it one time thru. All you need.
  • Genius

    By JesusFreaklover
    One of Middle Tennessee's best. Derek Minor, Tony Tillman, nobigdyl are the squad.