Not Original
By Dguitarman18
Confirms LOG peaked awhile back.
Love it!!
By Coppercustomz
Growing up in the 80’s This album is so refreshing!! Unless your my age (you probably don’t get why randy is singing) reminds me of the old school metal I & we grew up with to a certain extent
By Pyro Ingenuity
Hearing Blythe experiment with clean vocals is surprisingly good, and I've been listening to Lamb of God since they were called Burn the Priest. Don't know what everyone's crying about.
Ignorant people
By jpizze
Clean vocals a tribute to a fan that died stop being so negative , good job Randy and a nice thing u boys did .
Good stuff!
By Old School #1
The Duke is a great song. Awesome tribute! Reminds of a fellow firefighter who died of cancer.
trash of god
By patratt80
clean vocals? really. if you're going to put clean vocals in it atleast make sure they sound good. this is pathetic & a waste of a great band.
Love it.
By Maddrums
What do you people have against clean vocals? Omg they have depth. They are musicians. Still Lamb Of God. Get over yourselves. Love it.
A true hero
By GodNoneTheLess
LOG has been my all time favorite. I love hearing how they have evolved and I love that this song, "the duke" was dedicated to a fan. I'll be with LOG till I die and that's not too far away unfortunately... The Duke will be last song at my funeral... peace.
By elduderino502
I'm not a huge fan of the completely clean vocals on "The Duke." A mix of clean vocals and Randy's usual style would have been much better. I'm not a huge fan of "The Outsider," either. "Culling" is great. And, of course, the live tracks are awesome.
Amazing EP
By Warhead '45
The Duke is an amazing song and a beautiful tribute to a die hard fan who is no longer with us sadly, and really shows a lot of emotion and power in it. Now the EP is complete, and we also have Culling, which is like a return to form for Lamb of God. It's just brutal and I can't stop listening to it. Personally I wouldn't mind more clean vocal tracks, but I would also like some of the old style of songs. Both are really good though, so keep it up guys!