One of the best...
By Electro6938
"millenial electronic" groups/artists out there that uses vocals in most songs(usually prefer instrumental electronica)...his songs have a "80s synth vibe", and good melodies-- amazingly, most of the collabs he has with vocalists are good as well! nice car music....Yep, I am a old fart(ex-dj), and and 80s kid, but I will not say that ALL current music is bad(95 % is though).
Love it!!!
By Madbaddie5
Awesome EP!!! Love how Jai Wolf is so passionate when it comes to music. His lyrics and instrumentals are very powerful. <3
By To kappa or not to kappa
Has a lot of potential to be big
Jai Wolf is the GOAT!
By BK422
Greatest of all time
Nothing beats this!
By ghstwrter
LOve indian summer and the new one with MNDR shines! Drive is utterly amazing, great EP!