By OHCeng
charlixcx is awesome as she always
By Team We Eat Cake
Not her best...
By Johany_h
I liked this song for a bit and then I kind of got over it... Especially when her amazing miXCXtape came out, it's like this single was just kinda ehh. Very generic. Plus I don't love the beat. She should just remove this from XCX3. She could do better. She IS better. Still love you, Charli 💖
Pretty catchy., might be in top 200
By Janette1963
Might be a "B-" grade
Love it
By Princess517
Best song ever 😍😍😍😂😂😝👻
Love but no
By bananaramallama
I love Charley ❤️. But why Lil Yachty. He sounds likes Drunk robot!👎🏼😂
By Phoerqin
I will still like this 5 years from now
Terrible lyrics!
By Ninjanick65
I don't understand why songs these days are related to partying, drugs, and sex. It makes no sense! Music is dying!
By Frederick Miche@l B@renchi Jr.
$ Whatup hugs and Charlie and hugs to you CHARLIE XCX 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 and congrats on completing your Brand New song AFTERPARTY also Happy Holidays to you hubby and my grandchildren as I am writing this in the month of December Be sure to take it easy run from any danger ha' Best wishes and cranberries in drink punches. iTunes is a fav. of mine. I'm still waiting for the reply on weather or not I get my The Dark Knight The Cyborg back from The America for a motion picture word is it's a possibility - The Papi ttyl.
By NickIsBestForever
I can't believe people's tastes in music have stooped this low. This "music" is slime. Every aspect of it is terrible. The lyrics, for one thing, are not only unoriginal & plain silly, they're also unrealistic. If you're reading this: Please, do not even consider enjoying this song. It's wasted effort.