Excellent album if you're a fan of Delerium or similar artists
By Alx2057
Blue Fires is excellent , but my favorite of the entire album is Ritual. Such a lovely and powerful song.
Simply amazing
By pharmangel
Love this album! Though I miss Zoe Johnston voice but it is still very very good album!! Well done
I love Ghost Requiem
By Mr. Titanic
My favorite track. I love this little glimpse of Supreme Beings of Leisure on a Delerium record. Best of both!
Outstanding! (But it is not dance, Plenty of that elsewhere)
By Chuck2763
I'm not going to break everything down as I have not owned the Disk/Album/Portfolio or whatever you want to call download packages these days... Simply outstanding gentlemen!! Have only had the time to sit down and listen all the way through twice so far. But well worth the wait!! Thank you for this wonderful addition to the quality of my life. Please rename the band to Two Guys with the Midas Touch. ;-) All other electronic bands pale in comparison to your work together, with your separate solo works a close second.
Oh ya.. welcome back Jael.
Delerium chill steppin....
By DJ Manny K!
Finally Delerium is back with new album it has been to long the wait and love how he makes a blend of New Age with todays relevant electronic sound without the EDM crap. As for one reviewer if this puts you to sleep than how did you listen to previous Delerium? It is suppose to be chill not uplifting those are only the remixes.
By LadyVegitalle
I'm a longtime fan of Delerium's work, I have almost every single album; Mythologie was a nice return to some of their more peaceful, relaxing sounds seen in past albums. I listen to this while doing work, and it's fantastic background music. "Ritual" is probably the most upbeat song, with a stronger than usual electronic influence, and it's one of my favorite tracks, along with "Blue Fires" and "Zero." My least favorite is "Ghost Requiem," because I feel it stands out from the other tracks and has too much of a different sound - this is the only one I usually skip. Overall, wonderful new album, I recommend it!
Numb my feelings
By Phaethon5
The first song tells you what this album is all about: music therapy! I like the feel of this music: it's smooth but draws you in. I'm thinking Fildel is their best vocalist since Sarah McLachlan. Her voice is just so haunting!
By Coachspin
This album was so chill that it put me to sleep. I need some upbeat sounds that I am used to from Delirium. I will stick to the old stuff.
By Talon_King
As always, another great album by Delerium. One of their best from their recent work in my opinion. However, iTunes needs to correct the spelling on Track 10... it is "Made to Move" not "Made ti Move"
TIMELESS but always different
By Skyline&Beyond
Another interpretation of what is Delerium. Was it a risk choosing almost all new vocalists? (not so much, judging by the awesomeness of the selection and how well they actually worked - also welcome back Jael!) A very chill album in my opinion.
Yes I guess you could say the instrumentals are lacking (2) but they don't disappoint, ESP Seven Gates. You'll also find on some of the vocal tracks with Mimi, her vocals work together with the tracks, not overwhelm them.
I think any fan of Delerium, new or old, will find something very enjoyable here and gladly expand the discography.
Personally, Mythologie has renewed my fascination. In addition to this album, I've gone back into the archives for more!