F**k Taylor Swift - Single - Lil Boom

F**k Taylor Swift - Single

Lil Boom

  • Genre: New Age
  • Release Date: 2016-07-18
  • Explicitness: explicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 1

  • ℗ 2016 Lil Brick Boom LLC


Title Artist Time
F**k Taylor Swift Lil Boom 1:57


  • F lil bloom

    By Swiftly 💜
    This song is trash you are more trash than coco melon f you
  • Ew jealous

    By xoxoNathanoxox
    Looks like someone’s jealous that they’re more loved than you 😀
  • Disgusting

    By carina.k13
    Why is this a song
  • Mayonnaise

    By Blue haji
    Fuh dat bih
  • F**k Taylor Swift

    By CoolCat6 Aka von Allmen
    How dare you make fun of other people that is sooo rude! You need to learn to not do that! Or else someone else might write a song like that about you! I am 10 years old and I KNOW NOT TO DO THAT! 10! So you need to get yourself together, apologize and make some nicer songs that don’t affect other people’s feelings!😡🤬 and for hating on Taylor Swift get yourself together woman!
  • Ooooo so scary

    By Libby nachos Han Solo
    O you have fans?😂 ur just jealous
  • 👎🏻

    By 😽👌🏻
    Who made that audio a dying walrus or a human? If anyone finds out please tell me! No wonder it has no reviews.

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