Red Ants Pants
By potomakite
Sarah just played at The Red Ants Pants Music Festival in White Sulphur Springs, Montana and she rocked the house(cow field)!! She is an outstanding performer and a great story teller. Top notch entertainer.
By Aquaman61
There's been some great talent on The Voice but it's hard to tell what their style will be when all they do are covers. Whoever wins the show gets an album, but unfortunately it's usually overproduced and not what you expect. Sarah didn't win The Voice, but as soon as I heard her, I knew she was a great singer. This album was a pleasant surprise! The whole album is fantastic! Even the covers! Buy this album! My personal favorites are Bird, The Mountain and Valley of Tears....
By AJMiller1987
Saw her in concert the other night and bought a copy of the album. Have had it playing on repeat since then. I honestly can't say enough good things about this album or about Sarah & Ian. One of the best I have heard in a long time!
This record will convert you.
By Pumpkin a Day
I don't normally write reviews. The only series of the Voice I watched was the season Meghan Linsey and Sarah Potenza were on. Meghan Linsey's voice (and story) had this captivating effect on me that Sarah's didn't at the time.
A few months following the voice (my timeline might be off), I was on Twitter and Meghan Linsey was asking people to donate to the Kickstarter for this CD - Monster. (The campaign was caused "My Turn" and I would recommend browsing it as her journey is incredible).
I wound up digging up some of Sarah's music on YouTube and fell in love with some of the songs that hadn't actually been produced. I fell in love and have actually seen her in concert a couple of times now.
This record included a couple of those songs that made me fall in love with Sarah's vocals and Ian's guitar playing skills.
There is something on this record for everyone I guarantee it. Even though I am saying that, I will also say the album feels very much cohesive. It feels like a person. Like their life.
And that is one of the biggest compliments I could give.
Oh and her cover of "Take Me To Church" is sick. Absolutely.
By Catcobu
Sarah's Monster CD is awesome. I especially loved The Mountain and Bird takes my breath away
By CarpB90
As soon as I heard her on the voice I instantly fell in love with her voice and I can't wait for all the songs
~biggest fan (u know who Sarah)
Love it!
By Tggrgrrl
See this lady live in concert whenever and wherever you can!!! So glad to have some of her original stuff on this album.