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Title Artist Time


  • Original Hed fan

    By Street Racing Technology
    I was a huge fan for the first couple albums. Got to see them at Ozz fest 99 and they were my concert highlight along with slipknot who came on right after them. I really enjoy the first 4 songs on this album but as for the rest I don’t feel it. However that Pocahontas speech is painful and unnecessary to listen to. She’s just as terrible as Hillary.
  • A Decent Album.

    I first hear about this band off the Dracula 2000 soundtrack with the song “swan dive”. After listening to them for the first time I was pleasantly surprised by their unique sound especially their singer who sound amazing when he wants to be. Anyway I was just curious to see how their sound has evolved over the years since then. In my opinion this album still maintains their classic style and sound for the most part while also trying new stuff. The half of the album has their heavy sound and rap/rock vocals over it. The second half is where they started to lose me with all the slower songs and the reggae influences in some of the songs. I recommend listening to the first half of the record and if you’re still curious about the other half you can give it a listen if you like but the first 7 songs is where they shine the brightest on this album.
  • I'm fully Blown Away

    By Sac Religous
    I'm a Long time hard rock fan who got old and soft. As my life got better I got further and further away from metal and heavy music. Pantera opened the door to power groove for me and along the way I found Hed PE. This dates back lots of years... As I got older my music choices changed. i ended up being a Reggae fan because of the positve message and vibe. I reamin a fan of my past but I haven't even listened to new metal or hard stuff at all. Hed PE just reopened that door. I've heard lots and lots opf attempts of bands trying to incorporate Reggae into their Genre. All appreciated, but not executed well./\ Hed Pe surprised me the first time I heard them yesars ago. Since then I expect it. Being said, they suprised me again. I am really enjoying this sound. One Love Mother F+ckr
  • Meh

    By NotARegularDude
    I have to say I was expecting more than this, I mean it’s not horrible but ever since they stopped doing explicit music It’s been starting to sound strange. They call themselves a g-punk band and In order to do that, it’s best to use explicit lyrics. Their music is better when explicit and past music is among the most explicit music that I have ever heard. This stuff isn’t explicit at all. Please give me the old Hed P.E. back.
  • Must get!

    By pops70
    Thanks for keeping it "REAL"! Can't wait to see lyrics soon!
  • Hed Pe forever

    By Yoshi431
    This band continues to amaze me! Great album !
  • Very good

    By Hed11877
    I'm a 20 year hedpe fan, this exceeded my expectations and in my opinion one of their best albulms to date. Instant HedPe classic.
  • It's Ok

    By BrianCFH
    Was waiting for this cd forever and now I have to say I couldn't be more disappointed. Hed Pe has always been one of my favorites but this album just falls flat. Major let down. Hoping they pick it back up next album.
  • Hed pe rocks!

    By Jshorb1990
    Deffinetly a great album, keep putting out music and plus dont buy on itunes, buy the hard copy so you can get the bonus track ganja, and the bonus cd
  • We want hed!

    By superdave6797
    Hed pe is great! This band just keeps getting better with every album they do! Keep it up!