Good, but...
By DKritic
I love TKA; have been a fan since day one. But this album -for the most part- sounds depressing. And that's the reason I'm not buying it. I just can't imagine listening to it in my car or on my way to work.
Moreover, this is not TKA anymore, at least not as we knew them.
Is this for real?
By Mikemiami
This sounds like a bad demo recorded in someone's garage. Really bad. Sorry. I loved tka but why brand this tka and not a K7 album. Where are the other guys? Sad
By virnaluz
I can relate to many of the songs.. Thank you again for bringing music to my ears. Well done.
K7TKA is a pioneer
By Moe-Cheeks
K7TKA continues to put out hit after hit. There's something for everyone in just about every album he's put out. Kudos to K7TKA. Thanks again!!
Freestyles Finest!!!!
By SammyZone
An amazing album with some great collaborations.. An A+, Love the Evolution of TKA.. Front Man K7's Vocals & Harmony's are on Point!!!
By A-Love baby
By CPR Jose Ortiz
The greatest Freestyle Group of all time is back with a new album featuring the Frontman of the group, K7
Favorite songs are True Love and MAMA (f George Lamond)