By Nate393
Great band, great song.
Waiting for more!
By adfadfasddggggfdadf
After the single, I need to start a countdown timer waiting for the album. Get it here soon!
Bright future for Michigander
By Allswelll
When a band releases their first single, you can usually tell whether they'll be longstanding or if they'll fizzle out after a short time. For Michigander it's strongly the former.
Good tunes.
This could possibly the best music that has ever hit earth. There is some amazing stuff on Mars but for earth this is top notch stuff. If you list to Michigander you instantly become better looking too. I was cruising down Main Street and while at a stop light listening to this song 5 or possibly more women ambushed me and wanted to listen to the music too. We had to leave a few behind because my van was broke and I was borrowing my uncles Buick. One of the girls was so excited listening to this song with me she rip the sweater my mom made me for graduating skating lessons. Listen to this music people! It will change your life. Live long and prosper!
By Mychander
wow, this song is some of the best new music to come out of Michigan since Eminem was M&M. Great work bois! (wow)
By c0mmon
Come to Brazil!!
By Jordo
What more can you say? Great music by some even greater dudes. Watch out world. Next stop Wembely.
Excellent Debut!
By JimmyJohn21
For the first proper release from Michigander, “Nineties” has set the bar very high. The song is catchy, but also objectively a strong song. I’ve listened through multiple times and it has gotten better with every listen. I would certainly recommend it.
As a 90s kid, I can't not love this song!
By TyBucking
Wow, this song is incredible and it blew my mind. Been on repeat ever since I bought it!