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Title Artist Time


  • Amazing.

    By Movie Critic 1
    This is the first time in many years I've liked every song on an album. This whole album is superb. Boyce Avenue really did it with this one. ❀️

    By Fannnno0o
    LOVE each song! Leaves me Wanting MORE!!! πŸ’œ
  • Amazing!

    By Krystal Lee
    It's been a long wait for this album. It was 100% worth it. This is one band that amazes me with their music. πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ
  • FANTASTICAL Album!!!

    By Andyy5
    Boyce Avenue continues to make some truly great original music as well as outstanding covers! This may be one of my new all-time favorite albums
  • I literally just heard of them!

    By DiamondLoveDomino
    And I LOVE THEIR MUSIC! I want to download this album so bad. Gotta wait till payday ☹️ Imperfect me was the fist song I heard of tbh! And searched for it for hours!
  • must have it

    By Bajalover
    great songs, love it!!!
  • Best... Album.... Ever!

    By Phillip Stegman
    I heard a few of these songs in beta, but hearing them finally engineered is so awesome!
  • Musician

    By Aims1625
    It great
  • Boycelove

    By never been
    Thank you for all that you do... Florida loves you deeply πŸ’œ
  • This Album worth every dollar

    By Vanessa Sandusky
    This music is worth every dollar. I love the song imperfect me and Be somebody. I first heard this band on youtube few years ago, When was looking up a song by beach avenue and then they came up. So I clicked the video and after that it was history. I was really liking what I heard by just youtubing another band, I came across them. I am really glad, I made that search. I love the lyrics in those two songs. They have very nice harmonies with one another. So glad to hear them back, making an album. I am going to share this music with my mom. Thanks Boyce Avenue for making quality music.