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Title Artist Time


  • Another masterpiece

    By Extreme Ryan 2121
    Spose is always on point with his music. His rhymes, word play and production are almost never lacking and he continues to crank out unique, personal hip hop tracks. The Audacity! Begins with “Blow My Candle Out” a catchy track about the angel and the demon on his shoulder scolding him for his actions as he heads for hell. “2002” is a track taking shots at the internet rappers of our generation. “Knocking On Wood” is an upbeat anthem about how even if life isn’t going his way, he should celebrate because he is still luckier than most. Another highlight is the story telling song “Jimmy”, which tells the story of Chris and his bully Jimmy, and how Chris ultimately becomes more successful despite being picked on. The whole album is worth a listen and I won’t go into much more detail so I don’t spoil it for you. Just know it’s well worth the $7.99.
  • What rap should be

    By Pocket Tank Master
    I was born in 1976 and I've seen almost the entire evolution of rap as a genre. For the most part, modern rap is complete garbage. Spose (and a handful of others - Macklemore, MC Lars to name a few) rise above. Here you'll find a collection of personal stories and truly heartfelt sentiments. Spose accomplishes what the genre was meant to convey- tell his perspective on every day life in a way that's fun, interesting, creative and original, while avoiding brainless and soulless filler. Truly a breath of fresh air and what's become a mass-market dumping ground up look-alike thugs. Support someone who deserves it and buy this album.