Milk and Eggs - Mr. J. Medeiros

Milk and Eggs

Mr. J. Medeiros

  • Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
  • Release Date: 2016-01-12
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 12

  • β„— 2016 Mr. J. Medeiros


Title Artist Time
Intro Mr. J. Medeiros 1:10
Gone Mr. J. Medeiros 3:32
Milk and Eggs Mr. J. Medeiros 5:14
Lost in It Mr. J. Medeiros 3:17
Weight (feat. Alyss) Mr. J. Medeiros 2:29
Moment (feat. Apollo Jane) Mr. J. Medeiros 4:40
Hero as Fool Mr. J. Medeiros 2:49
Burning Beacon Mr. J. Medeiros 2:18
G.A.D. Mr. J. Medeiros 2:05
Catch as Catch Can, Pt. 1 Mr. J. Medeiros 3:05
Catch as Catch Can, Pt. 2 (fea Mr. J. Medeiros 3:13
Catch as Catch Can, Pt. 3 Mr. J. Medeiros 3:33


  • Album of 2016

    By Azup101
    I love this album from start to finish and it is my album of 2016.
  • Still got it

    By Matt7782
    Mr. J. Medeiros has been putting out quality music ever since his first album with The Procussions (just my two cents, but if you haven't heard their collab with The Sound Providers, you need to check that out to see where I'm coming from). This album may in fact be his swan song for this moniker, BUT that doesn't mean that he wimped out on anything. The lyrics are as insightful as ever, and the production is as great as his prior releases were (I'm telling you he just does not put out bad music!). I'd definitely recommend if you like the golden-era of hip-hop. It's that good.
  • Masters of the craft.

    By 3rdoptics
    These guys deliver every time and they have for years. Thanks again guys.
  • (Yet) Another classic from Mr. J

    By H's app review
    As always, Mr. J delivers interesting, thought-provoking, and lyrically-tight rhymes on Milk and Eggs. Also, he continues to push boundaries musically using interesting compositions, live instrumentation, & no sampling. If you like hiphop (& are disillusioned with what passes for it on the radio) I highly recommend you check this album out.
  • Ready on arrival

    By 4double
    Mr. J. Medeiros never disappoints me. From the production, song structure, song titles, rhyme patterns, and word play... even the artwork. Always butter from the gospel emcee slash producer. Salute! 4Double
  • Incredible

    By Josue_ab
    From start to finish, heartfelt, intelligent lyrics and the most engaging beats to go along with them. Mr. J has outdone himself yet again, one of the best Indie rappers out there. Definitely cop this album, dude's been slept on for too long. Long live J!!!
  • Beautiful

    By Freecloud1
    J’s music has always been amazing and his lyricism is top notch. Absolutely love this album and was absolutely blown away by the Catch as Catch Can series of songs. Be sure to check out his other stuff. Can’t to hear what he has in store for the future~~~
  • 🚨🚨🚨

    By seanp
    Great progression musically from a dope artist!
  • Yes.

    By LoveThaShiz
    Fresh fire from Mr. J here. Check this one out!πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
  • This is how hip-hop is supposed to sound!

    By JMo650
    Mr. J ALWAYS delivers! From production, lyrics, album concept, artwork and colabs...all on point! "Burning Bacon" is the hottest track on the album. Have it on repeat, bout to be my new ringtone (most of my ringtones are Mr. J or Processions songs). Can't wait for the new music!

Videos from this artist

  • Bang Bang

    Alligatorz, Mc Baby Perigosa & Mr. J. Medeiros

  • Bubbly

    Alligatorz & Mr. J. Medeiros