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  • Good not great

    By Harper601
    I have been on a quest to grab all I missed over the years. Also he’ll bent into learning to play everything before leaving this life. So, been picking up the missing pieces to my Prince collection. What better way to expand your musical knowledge? For the casual fan this is better than 3/4 of anything out there from a solo artist. For the dedicated Prince fans, they might want more. Some may see it the other way around. After my third spin of this I started liking it more. Prince is Prince and this is good stuff. It’s a shame he passed away. The music word has a huge gap now.
  • It's Prince

    By Ggirl12
    Awesomeness at its finest
  • Prince’s finest work since the release of Crystal Ball!

    By Indiana Goof
    I used 2 be such a huge Prince fan; I was the type who had 2 have EVERY SINGLE LAST LITTLE TRACK he ever released - every B-side, every song he ever gave 2 some1 else - simply because he produced absolutely no filler whatsoever! His work was always so guaranteed 2 be fantastic that I would always rush out 2 buy his latest album upon release without hearing a single note simply because his releases were so trustworthy. It wasn’t until “Disc 1” of “Emancipation” that I 1st noticed filler on a Prince album. Quite a few of the tracks on that disc sounded surprisingly limp (“Acknowledge Me”), but then the whole of that disc ended with the excellent “In This Bed Eye Scream”, & the remainder of the entire set ROCKED. So I was still pleased. Then “Crystal Ball” came out (ordered via his online website & delivered directly 2 my home), & I was pleased with it as well, save 4 a couple of odd edits (the shorter version of “Good Love”, which simply didn’t make any sense). But then... all came crashing down. :( “newpowersoul” was the first Prince recording I had ever heard in my life which bored me 2 death. Totally, utterly bored 2 death. Not a single good melody anywhere. “What gives?” I had wondered. Then other disappointments followed, such as the hyped “Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic”, which had some good tracks surrounded by flat filler. “The Rainbow Children” was good, which was a relief, but proved 2 be no guarantee of future quality. All of a sudden, Prince was writing like some1 was looking over his shoulder monitoring him all the time; & the problem was, when he set out 2 deliberate create “commercial” songs 4 “ordinary people”, he ended up making less than ordinary music. He was always best when making music just 4 the sheer joy of making music - & it was also evident that he was utterly miserable, because there was no longer any honest joy in his work (as the tense “3121” showed, which had forced dance tracks & an underlying vibe of unhappiness which 4 1 second was exposed by the end when he suddenly without warning wildly shrieked, “IT JUST AIN’T FAIR!!!” Obviously everything had been getting 2 him. I was worried about him. & I had given up all hope when he released the most terrible idea 4 a song he had ever had (“Screwdriver”???). So I took my time choosing when 2 listen 2 this 1 simply because I wasn’t sure what 2 expect. What a delightful surprise, then, 2 discover that this album is a true jewel! Filled with wonderful, memorable melodies of the type I haven’t heard since “Crystal Ball”, this is the Prince album I have been waiting 2 decades 4 him 2 release. This is the Prince I had always grown up & loved. :) This one has the “Tower of Power” big city feel he used 2 toy with on occasion from time 2 time since “Sign @ The Times” (I’m going 2 make sure I have it in my ears when I take my 1st trip 2 New York City next month) & I love it dearly, plus the most sweetly lovely melodies I have heard from him in years, & the most delightfully funky material I haven’t heard the man write since “Emancipation”(“Xtraloveable” got me literally DANCING down the street on the way home from work with this in my ears the 1st time I heard it)! What a relief! Unfortunately, this somehow reinvigorated feel happened just before he died - which makes 1 wish 2 know what would have happened next after this 1. But... well, at least he went out with a bang...
  • Purple rain emo prince is back baby!!!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼😜😜😜

    By Juicy prince
    I love all the prince song and album cover so much
  • Forever Fan

    By Seemo35
    I really like HitnRun series, Two has some really awesome sounds and catchy toons. Politicaly charged lyrics: with songs like "Baltimore", remains relevant and true. Till we meet again, rest in peace your royal badness.
  • Amazing! Awesome!

    By Mari Salomao
    listen loudly! 💜
  • Amazing

    By Bubble190
    In love with this album.
  • Commercial? No. Tasty? Quite.

    By (w
    This definitely sounds like tracks that didn't make it to released albums, but as a whole, there is some continuity here between tracks, even if they are missing the commercial hooks that permeate pop music these days, formulaic and soulless. Sure, "All about that Bass" is fun to sing along with, but then I hear "No" (also catchy) and find it hard to believe that the same person wrote them. They are just hooks, no real essence behind them. That's not art, that's money grubbing. Prince actually puts some thought into his songs, some fun (love the way he references "Kiss" in "Stare") and musicality, experimenting with different arrangements, fade outs, instrumentation. Writing for the masses anymore is a waste of time, considering the Kardashian's are a household name, and hip-hop rarely has anything close to a positive message. So if you're fans of this mentality, pass this up. If you love music, really love music, then you'll enjoy this album. No real barn-burners, but the arrangements keep you on your toes, and moving your feet or head.
  • Jazzy!

    By Speak Knowledge
    Prince's death had an affect on me that I was not expecting, not just because he was a great musician, but because we all learned how much of a philanthropist he was! And, of course, most people figured he would live to be 100. He did not do anything for praise from people; he remained true to himself and wanted to please only God. Hence, the bibilical undertones in his music overall. I do not cry when artists pass away but found myself trying to fight tears when Prince died. Goosebumps, even. As far as the album, you have to be in a relaxed mood to really appreciate this gem. It has a very jazzy and R&B feel. I listen to the Art Official Age album in the morning (Sidebar: It is a must have,too!!) and pop in HITNRUN Phase Two after a long day or while I am whipping up dinner in the kitchen. As someone nearing the age of 40, I spend more time listening to the lyrics of a song than I do the beat, even though the instrumental is great, which actually goes without saying. It's Prince for goodness sake! His play on words has always amazed me. Most of his music is timeless. Things that he spoke about on tthe Sign 'O the Times album rings true today. "Baltimore" (on this album) is a sweet and thoughtful tribute to the Black Lives Matter movement. I miss Prince deeply. A true icon and a class act!!!
  • Solid R&B

    By huntelizondo
    Loved every song on this album. Updated R&B that was silky smooth & easy to put on shuffle & listen over & over.