
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Greetings from Califournia

    By Mariaa...
    Greetings from Califournia hits different when your literally from California. 😩😩
  • Why I love to is song

    By Kaliyah/kk/rewiews
    I love this song much cause it’s based off of how my friend sometimes feel and also cause I love songs that are like this. If you want to see the song on YouTube just search Daddy issues and it will pop up, this song popped up on stranger things and yeah well basically I like it!
  • Got this on vinyl

    By the ovrcast
    So good
  • Awesome!

    By Gerardo C.
    “Daddy Issues” is such a great song!
  • Ok wait-

    By TheCharlieVerse
    I know a lot of people dont like the 'Wiped out!' album because Jesse's voice i different and it doesnt sound the same. I for one always have liked artists that never change. Though this change for the neighbourhood was amazing. Jesse and the band nailed it quite well. With 'I love you.' with the catchy 'Sweater weather' song while also giving a down tempo in songs like 'Staying up'. This album has the great songs like 'Daddy Issues', 'R.I.P. 2 my youth', 'Prey', and 'Crybaby' which has great lyrics and the way he sings in the song 'crybaby' is amazing. I love listening to the band's music in this album and their others while studying. -One thing- Jesses songs are personal to himself but the listener can connect with the song too. From their album 'Im sorry...' 'Wires' is a song about Jesse's friend who didnt make it in the music industry. Though the song can also be about a failure in someones life like a job.
  • ❤️‍🔥

    By abbypl13
    love them
  • 😝

    By nataliaaa :)
    this album is amazing one of the best ever
  • Amazing🖤💋

    By Casey Hodgson
    I absolutely love this album and if you don’t then we can can’t be friends
  • Obsessed

    By SilentSpecter
    Sorry mot sorry but. If you don’t like this album then you need your ears checked 🤷‍♀️
  • Buy and Stream it!!

    By hillsideboys
    Still the best album ever?? Like no one can top this